Oct 20, 2020 By Kim Ring
Telegram & Gazette Staff
State Rep. Paul K. Frost, R-Auburn, is facing a familiar opponent, but this time, Terry Burke Dotson, a Millbury independent, is campaigning full time and hopes to unseat the longtime incumbent in the 7th Worcester District.
The district is composed of Auburn, Millbury, and parts of Charlton and Oxford.
Dotson, who retired after 33 years in the military reserve in the U.S. Air National Guard, the U.S. Air Force Reserve, the U.S. Navy Reserve, and the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, said she’s running because Frost has let her down and, a few years ago, failed to support a resolution approved by Millbury voters supporting reinstatement of the Glass-Steagall Act. (Read full article on Telegram.com)